US Magnesium has a sincere interest in our corporate environmental responsibility. The Company is currently permitted in all environmental areas and remains in compliance with those permits. US Magnesium has applied a continuous improvement philosophy to our environmental situation and expects to progress towards a goal of optimizing our manufacturing operation while minimizing our impact to the environment.

  • Air Emissions – US Magnesium operates under an approval order from the Utah Department of Environmental Quality. The Company remains in compliance with all standards.
  • Hazardous Waste – Regulated hazardous waste is disposed of at certified hazardous waste handling operations
  • Liquid Waste – Internal liquid streams are sent to an evaporative waste water holding area that has no discharges to surface waters.
  • Solid Waste – US Magnesium utilizes a permitted landfill that is regulated through the state of Utah.

Current Career Openings

  • Mobile Equipment Repair
  • None

Any questions or issues with applying email:


USmag self-insured health insurance plan